Wednesday 3 September 2008

Palatin Technologies, Inc. Reports Positive Results Of Phase 2a Clinical Study With PL-3994 For The Treatment Of Heart Failure

�Palatin Technologies,
Inc. (Amex: PTN) proclaimed the completion of a Phase 2a clinical
trial of PL-3994, a novel, long-acting natriuretic peptide sensory receptor A
(NPRA) agonist below development for treatment of heart failure (HF). The
Phase 2a trial was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single
ascension dose survey in 21 volunteers with controlled high blood pressure who
received the medication or placebo subcutaneously. The purpose of the sketch
was to demonstrate that PL-3994 can be disposed safely to patients taking
antihypertensive medications commonly administered to heart failure and
hypertension patients. The evaluations included safety, tolerability,
pharmacokinetics and several pharmacodynamic endpoints, including levels of
cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a natural messenger nucleotide.

Dosing concluded with the successful achievement of the primary
endpoint of the cogitation, a pre-specified reduction in systemic blood line
pressure. No volunteer experienced a serious or severe adverse upshot.
Elevations in plasma cGMP levels were all ascertained for several hours after
single subcutaneous doses. Additional data analysis is ongoing and volition be
submitted for intro when the analysis is complete.

"We are excited to confirm that PL-3994 can be given safely to patients
who ar taking blood pressure medications," stated Dr. Trevor Hallam,
Palatin's Executive Vice President for Research and Development. "As we
proceed with an additional Phase 2 study later this twelvemonth, we volition focus on
the ticker failure patients most in need of new therapies."

The previously announced Phase 1 study demonstrated that PL-3994 tin can be
granted safely and leads to a dose-related decrease in blood insistency and
increase in cGMP levels, diuresis (kidney evacuation of water) and
natriuresis (kidney evacuation of sodium). The data from this first study
has been accepted for presentation at the 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of
the Heart Failure Society of America to be held in Toronto, Canada on
September 21-24, 2008.

About Heart Failure (HF)

Currently in the U.S., HF affects nearly 5 one thousand thousand people with 550,000
new cases of HF diagnosed each year. Despite the intervention of HF with
multiple drugs, nigh all HF patients will experience at least one episode
of acute HF that requires treatment with intravenous medications in the
hospital. There were all over 1.1 million hospitalizations for HF in 2004.
Heart failure has frightful human and financial costs. Estimated direct
costs in the U.S. for HF were $29.6 zillion in 2006.

About Palatin Technologies, Inc.

Palatin Technologies, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical party dedicated to
the exploitation of proprietorship peptide, peptide mimetic and small mote
agonist compounds with a focus on melanocortin and natriuretic peptide
receptor systems. The melanocortin system is involved in a large and
divers number of physiologic functions, and therapeutic agents modulating
this system may have the potential drop to plow a variety of conditions and
diseases, including intimate dysfunction, fleshiness and related disorders,
ischemia and reperfusion injury, haemorrhagic shock and inflammation-related
diseases. The natriuretic peptide receptor system has numerous
cardiovascular functions, and therapeutic agents modulating this system whitethorn
be useful in treatment of heart failure, high blood pressure and other
cardiovascular diseases. Palatin's strategy is to develop products and then
form marketing collaborations with industry leadership in order to maximize
their commercial-grade potential. The Company presently has collaborations with
AstraZeneca and the Mallinckrodt division of Covidien. For additional
information regarding Palatin, please visit Palatin Technologies' website
at h

Forward looking Statements

Statements about the Company's future expectations, including
statements about its development programs, proposed indications for its
product candidates, pre-clinical activities, clinical activities, marketing
collaborations, and all other statements in this document other than
diachronic facts, ar "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 and as that term is defined in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company intends that such
forward-looking statements shall be case to the safe harbors created
thereby. Palatin's factual results may differ materially from those
discussed in the forrard looking statements for versatile reasons,
including, but non limited to the Company's ability to fund development of
its technology, ability to establish and successfully complete clinical
trials and pre-clinical studies and the results of those trials and
studies, dependence on its partners for certain development activities,
need for regulatory approvals and commercial acceptance of its products,
ability to recommence marketing and realise commercial acceptance of
NeutroSpec(R), ability to protect its intellectual property, and other
factors discussed in the Company's periodic filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. The Company is not responsible for updating for events
that come about after the date of this compress release.

Palatin Technologies, Inc.

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