Sunday 24 August 2008

Research On Nanoparticles And Human Health At University Of Kentucky Receives $2M Grant

�The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proclaimed the award of a $2 million grant to the University of Kentucky (UK) to investigate how the sizes and shapes of nanoparticles affect their ability to enter the brain. This is the largest EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grant ever awarded to the University of Kentucky as well as the largest single assignment ever awarded by EPA STAR for nanotechnology research.

"Nanotechnology is an exciting new field with the potential to transform environmental auspices," said Russell L. Wright, Jr., Deputy Regional Administrator (Acting) for EPA Region 4 in Atlanta, Ga. "With nanomaterial use increasing every sidereal day across industries from health care to fabrication, it is essential that we sympathise the implications of nanotechnology for human health and the environment."

"I applaud Dr. Yokel and his research team for earning such a esteemed award," aforesaid UK President Lee T. Todd, Jr. "It is an honour that the EPA STAR program selected UK for the largest single subsidization it has ever awarded for nanotechnology research. This award is a perfect example of why it is so important that Kentucky has a foremost research university, as it shows that the stellar faculty and researchers that we have been able to recruit and retain here at UK ar among the best in the world."

The research team, led by Dr. Robert Yokel, will study potentiality health impacts of nano-sized cerium oxide, a diesel engine fuel linear. Used currently in Europe, it is claimed to improve fire efficiency, suppress soot from exhaust, and reduce the concentration of other ultra-fine particles in air that have known health personal effects. The research project will be funded for 4 years.

Nanotechnology is the skill of manipulating extremely small particles - ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers. The physical, chemical, electronic, and optical properties of these nanoparticles may be different from the larger form of the same material. As such, nanomaterials may hold unique impacts on the environment and human health.

As nanotechnology progresses from inquiry and development to commercialisation and use, it is likely that manufactured nanomaterials will be released into the surround. EPA is charged with protecting human health and the environment, as well as ensuring that the uses of engineered nanotechnology products come without excessive harm to human health or the environment. This research testament provide relevant information requisite for jeopardy assessments that can inform decision-making related to nanotechnology products.

To study more around EPA's nanotechnology program:
Click here for more info on this grant.

Source: Laura Niles

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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